It’s Time for Plan Z

It is said that hindsight is 20/20. For a company that was a dominant presence in the market less less than 6 years ago, we ask ourselves: what could Blackberry have done to their business model to avoid their imminent sale to a group led by Fairfax Financial?

With much attention being paid to Apple and the release of their sleek new IPhone in the past week, The Economist’s It’s Time for Plan Z states that the recent blows to the phone’s popularity has forced the company to write down 960$ million worth of unsold inventory, and to lay off 40% of their employees.

As I study the characteristics of efficient business models, I have come to the conclusion that any given company must always capitalize on their strengths. By implementing a strategy that focused on capitalizing on the innovation Blackberry had over its competitors in 2007, the company would have had a stronger chance of retaining their presence in years to come.With consideration to the ever changing and competitive cell phone market, an updated value proposition, refined customer segments and customer relationships, would have greatly helped the company in maintaining their status and given them a clear direction moving forward.

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