The alcohol business is one of the largest in the world: with so much variety and choices for the consumer, companies must come up with innovative ways to stand out within the market. The German liquor company G Sprits have come up with a rather interesting idea to market their product. For this company producing superior quality rum, whiskey, and vodka was not enough to stand out in the market. They decided that their point of difference, which we discussed in class 5 (brand positioning and value propositions), compared to other liquor companies was pouring their alcohol over a supermodel’s naked breasts before bottling their product. G Sprits is quickly establishing itself in the market as a stand-out product for high-end consumers who are looking for the complete experience. The bottle comes with the supermodel in question’s picture and a certificate assuring authenticity. Has this aggressive and provocative marketing strategy been helpful to the company? They have received plenty of free advertising; the news world has jumped on this story with questions about ethics and whether the product passes all the health regulations, but the company has been able to stand its ground against all the critics. Will this advertising gimmick be enough to form a reputable name in the alcohol business or is this point of difference too different?

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rock on! i love this stuff.

October 29, 2012 7:31 am

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