For something that is less than ten years old, social media is something very prominent in people’s lives. If you would have told someone to Facebook you or to follow you on Twitter ten years ago, they would have looked at you like you were crazy. Today, however, it may be easier to get in touch with someone via Facebook rather than face-to-face. With this new revolution it is not suspiring that even businesses are jumping on the bandwagon. If you want to succeed in business, you need to communicate effectively with all of your potential customers: by doing this you can figure out what it is they want. Scott Levy suggests that communicating with your consumers via the Internet is the best way to give your business a competitive edge. In, 5 Tips for Using Social Media as a Customer Service Tool, Levy says that the best companies are seeking out their consumers on the web and addressing any concerns or complaints they may have. Using feedback from the Internet can help companies to see what they are missing when it comes to pleasing their customers. Companies are also able to communicate directly with the people having the issue and resolving it, which mean they will lose fewer customers that otherwise would have never considered using or visiting the company again. There is no better market research to figure out what your company can do to make itself better than hearing what real consumers want and don’t want.


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October 29, 2012 7:35 am

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October 29, 2012 7:55 am

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November 7, 2012 6:08 am

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