Photo Credit: Jancie Leung

Within all the articles we have to read for COMM 101 there always seems to be a common theme: efficiency. Businesses are always trying to find ways to reduce cost and improve production so they can increase profit. Because of this, I wasn’t surprised to find the efficiency theme in Janice Leung‘s blog entry, “Translink’s New System: The Compass.” Translink is trying to do do what every other company in today’s difficult market is. By imposing this tap-in tap-out system, called The Compass, they would be able to reduce the necessary amount of Translink authority employees, therefore reducing staffing costs. They will also be able to better control the non-paying sky train and B-Line riders. Not only will implementing the Compass be an advantage to the company, but to the consumer as well. Riders will no longer have to fill their pockets with change because the card will be able to be pre-loaded for convenience. All of these improvements are linked to higher efficiency. Translink would not be the first to implement this type of system: Leung mentions that she has experience with similar systems in Singapore, Hong Kong, and London. Transition to this system might be a little difficult, but after the new technology is established it promises to improve Translink’s overall day-to-day operations.

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