Memorandum to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crisp, UBC Undergraduate Student, <>

From: Gareth Yuen, ENGL301 Student, <>

Date: March 22, 2023

Subject: Best Practices for Writing Effective Emails to Professors


Thank you for contacting ENGL301 for guidance in writing an academically professional email to Professor Lambert. Below is a list of recommended practices that may increase the chances of receiving a desirable response. 

List of Recommendations:

The following practices are recommended for crafting an academically professional email:

  • Using an appropriate student email account can help demonstrate professionalism.
  • A clear and concise subject representing the primary purpose of the email can attract attention and help the professor understand the email easier.
  • Addressing the professor by their name and title can demonstrate respect.
  • Beginning the email with a greeting can showcase respect. 
  • Introducing the background and intention of the email at the beginning can help the professor to focus better on the subject matter.
  • Explaining the reasons and desire to join a class politely by being apologetic and humble by recognizing the request is a favor.
  • Offering alternative solutions before the primary request is rejected can facilitate the professor’s consideration.
  • Ending the email with a polite remark to show appreciation and respect for the professor’s time and consideration.
  • Proofreading the email for spelling and grammatical mistakes can help display professionalism and attention to the matter.


In conclusion, crafting emails in an academic and professional tone takes time and practice. However, with proper guidance and practices, every email can be equipped to show consideration and respect on behalf of the reader, increasing the likelihood of a favorable response. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out again.