Peer Review of Cultural Capital

To: Salma Ismail, Author

From: Gareth Yuen, Reviewer

Term: Cultural Capital 

This is a peer review of the three definitions of the complex term Cultural Capital written by Salma Ismail. This review will contain positive and constructive feedback, from how suited it is for its audience to what could be improved for clarity or other issues. 

First Impressions:

The post is well-documented and precise, meeting all the basic requirements by including the three definitions with visuals and three extensively written expanded definitions strategies. In addition, an impressive reference at the end represents accuracy and accountability. 


  • Clear opening that introduces the purpose of the assignment.
  • A clear intention that adequately explains the importance of understanding this term for the intended audience.
  • The layouts are generally clear and easily spotted; however, bolding the headings (Audience, parenthetical definition, sentence definition, etc.) would be better for clarity, especially when the subheadings within the expanded definition are bolded and easier to spot in comparison. 


  • The assignment is written in a consistent professional tone.
  • However, missing a clear detail that highlights the intention of said complex term, why is it important to the audience?
  • The parenthetical definition is written clearly and concisely, allowing easy understanding.
  • The sentence definition contains multiple examples that give the reader more background information that could help their understanding of the complex term.
  • The expanded definition is well-written, and the parts’ analysis is especially detailed. 


The document is complete according to the assignment requirements; it includes:

  • A detailed introduction stating the purpose and intended audience, and scenario. 
  • Three forms of definition.
  • Four types of expansion with detailed elaboration on analysis of parts.
  • A visual that doubles as a figure and video.
  • References.


  • The visual provided an informative explanation for the complex term as a figure, or it could be opened as a video for further explanation. 
  • However, the visual citation is incorrect to the formating required, please edit it to the correct format.

Grammar and Typos:

  • No typos or grammar errors were noted. 


  • An impressive list of references in APA style. However, make sure the titles are capitalized and italicized correctly. 
  • Great visuals, but make sure the citation is correct to the format committed.
  • Double check spacing for in-text citations, as there is an inconsistency of the bracket being directly next to the words (state(O’ Shea, 1987), workplace(Oreopoulos, 2011), etc.). 

Concluding Comments:

Overall, the assignment is very well done; it included all the necessary content that can clearly explain the complex term “Cultural Capital” to non-technical readers. However, please see below for some suggestions:

  • Providing more details on the complex term by explaining to the audience why it is important would be helpful and increase their interest.
  • The headings and subheadings should be bold for improved clarity. 
  • Revise the reference format, focusing on capitalizing the first word and italicizing the titles.
  • The analysis of parts could use some referencing to figure one as they are directly related.
  • Consider rephrasing the “objectified state, institutions, and embodied capital” into the same as the paragraphs for clarity (embodied state and objectified state, etc)
  • Amazing job!

Thank you for reading this review. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Link to definition reviewed: