Task 7 – Mode bending

Audio: https://recorder.google.com/0b95378e-7a41-423a-812c-1f106938ce2f


Task seven mode bending. Change the semiotic mode from visual and text to audio. Here. I’m redesigning, the original purpose of the test. Which was to. Show an image of the items in my bag. And talk about what it says about how i engage in language in communication. Um, My culture and background. And the outward image that i project. The challenge of this mode changing is that i don’t have the specificity of the images. And i have to rely on narrative, verbal descriptions of the image. So, i can say that there are 27 items in the image that show. What’s in the briefcase i always carry when i go to work in my office downtown. I can see that most of the items include the laptop computer i use for my work as well as peripheral devices that i use with it. And that i also have personal toiletry and hygiene items as well as eyeglasses and an umbrella for wet weather. The original task showed how i was a digital hybrid worker, who would alternate between working from home and working at the office, which is why i had carried, the brief case with the collection of technology, plus the other items. So, my redesign is a day in the life. By garthful quotes. When i’m preparing to go to work downtown. I first have to. Make sure i have all of the equipment that i require when i travel to my office. So i take my large wheeled briefcase. And i put in it a laptop. A wireless keyboard and wireless mouse. Some other peripheral devices such as A usb connector. And headphones and the charger. And some of the other items, like, The charger for the laptop itself. And because i Have. Some. Issues with my site, with my ability to read, i need a pair of glasses so i always carry an eyeglass case with my glasses in it. As well as cleaning food to be able to clean the glasses. And i find i end up doing that quite often during the day. Because of the strain of my eyes from the lights, in the office and also the strong light on my laptop. And, When i arrive at my office, what i would do is, i would pull most of these Technology related items owed, and put them on a desk, which is for mobile workers in the office. And i’d set up my laptop and my keyboard and mouse and my headphones. And i signed into my work network. And take a look at the work that i have to do for the day ahead. And of course, which i didn’t mention to get into the office building, i’d have to use the The past card, which is on the lanyard. That i keep in my briefcase as well too. And, Then some of the other items i might put on my desktop, include my calculator, because even though i have a calculator built into my laptop, i still like having a separate calculator on my desk. And keep some other items too, some personal items, like pens and a note notepad in case i need to quickly jot down something without having to use a computer. And, And then i also have some personal hygiene items and toiletries. So, every once in a while, if i need to Use some eye drops on my eyes or Use some alcohol wipe to clean my hands. Or anything like that or clean my desk. Uh, these are the items that i would use as well as any sort of pills, like i keep my my sinus pills or Headache pills, handy. Uh, during the daytime because Basically, as an office worker, i’m working under some, a different type of physical stress. Which is. The, the lights and the noise and the atmosphere in the surroundings. Um, which can cause Uh some other physical reactions for me. So i’m always prepared to to deal with those while i’m working so that i don’t get too distracted. So, all of these items, i’d carried to the office and then at the end of the day, Um, after finishing using them, i’d have to pack them up and put them back in my large briefcase again and then carry them again through The street and to my parking lot where i keep my My suv. And, I noticed that. The people in the neighborhood there downtown. Often carry around bags on the street too. And so, if i was realized that sometimes i might be Taken for somebody who is either homeless person carrying their bags around. Or somebody who’s traveling from one destination to another going, to going to the airport or going to Take a C plane or a bus. And so i’m always aware of that that people wouldn’t necessarily know that i may An office worker who is who’s mobile? And who’s coming in occasionally into the office? That. Is a typical day in the life. For me of the way i use my equipment and the supplies of my bag. And, Uh, it also says something i think about my background and my training and what i’m capable of doing as a professional who’s been doing this for the last 25 years? Um, I think that. What i do in my everyday life, doesn’t necessarily reflect. Um, Doesn’t necessarily reflect everything that i’m capable of doing and it doesn’t reflect all of my skills that i’ve acquired of the years. Because in my work, i use a fairly narrow band of skills to conduct my daily work and only occasionally use some of the other skills that i’ve developed over the years. But, The. Type of tools that i keep in my bag, give you some idea of what my Background is. And who i am as a person. So, thank you for listening to the day in the life. Now, just to comment on that in this example. I used audio to redesign the meaning of the image from task one. So, instead of focusing on each item, in the photo, I’m conveying the image in a narrative, which uses a more personal voice? And in addition to what i’m trying to convey with this narrative, the listener is enabled to add their meaning to my audio by interpreting when i’m saying and how i’m saying it. So for example, what language am i speaking? What does my english accent? Say about me? Nationality. Do i sound like someone who is economically privileged or economically struggling? What is the tone of my speech? Uh, what do my vocabulary induction say about my level of education? Do i sound confident and at ease? Can any other conclusions be drawn about my personal and work relationships? Is there enough context that i’ve provided? Uh, in what i i said about my day in life And am i telling the whole truth or not? Disclosing everything. And also does what? I am not saying convey anything significant as well. And does using my name as an author of this day in the life story, lend. Any more credibility than if i had said it anonymously. By redesigning this task is a narrative day in the life story. I’ve changed it into an account of a temporal event in my life. And have given it a more personal individual, distinctive voice. Then it was when it was presented as a photo, Um, captioned with written text. Thank you.

2 thoughts on “Task 7 – Mode bending

  1. Simon Worley

    I really enjoyed this listen, Garth. Your audio redesign of the original task is a compelling exploration of the transition from a visual and textual mode to an auditory one. By narrating a day in the life through the items in your bag, you’ve not only provided a vivid description of the tangible objects but also offered a glimpse into the rituals, challenges, and reflections associated with your daily routine.
    The shift from a static image to a dynamic narrative adds layers of depth and personalization. The listener is invited to engage not only with the physicality of the items but also with the nuances of your voice, accent, and tone, prompting them to draw inferences about your background, experiences, and identity. You elude to this in your open ended questions at the end of the audio recording. This transformation from a visual representation to an auditory one enriches the storytelling experience, allowing for a more immersive and subjective interpretation.
    Your reflection on the potential interpretations and judgments that listeners might make based on your audio presentation adds a meta-layer to the narrative. The consideration of factors such as language, accent, economic status, and educational background underscores the complexities of communication and perception. It highlights how the mode of communication itself can influence the audience’s understanding and assumptions.
    The deliberate choice to present the narrative as a day in the life story, rather than a straightforward inventory of items, adds a humanizing touch. It not only communicates the practical aspects of your routine but also provides insight into your coping mechanisms, self-awareness, and professional identity. The narrative structure allows for a more nuanced exploration of your skills, experiences, and the multifaceted nature of your daily life.
    The use of your name as the author further adds authenticity and accountability to the narrative. It adds ethos to the story. It prompts the audience to consider the credibility of the storyteller, raising questions about transparency and the potential for selective disclosure. This aspect adds an intriguing layer of reflexivity to the storytelling process, encouraging listeners to critically evaluate the narrative and its implications.
    Your audio redesign successfully transforms a visual and textual task into a rich, multifaceted narrative. It not only engages the audience on a sensory level but also prompts thoughtful reflections on communication, perception, and the intricacies of personal and professional identity. Thank you for sharing this insightful and thought-provoking exploration, Garth.
    I would like to know if you ever thought of embellishing or adding exciting details to the day, making for a more intriguing listen?

    1. garthvb Post author

      Thank you very much for the insightful and well-written comment, Simon. I think that if I had tried recording the audio a third time (that was my second try), I might have added more color to the basic details that I presented, such as personal anecdotes connected with various items in the bag. I appreciated your feedback very much.


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