The Need For Social Enterprise

If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?

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 When I read this statement, my mind quickly raced to all the information I had learnt about the UN in Social Studies 11 and History 12. I thought about all the peace keeping missions the UN promoted and all the interlinking organizations, like WHO, that help the citizens of the world live a happier life.

Yet, I do not believe that if the UN was fully funded there would be no need for any other social enterprise to exist. From my perspective, it is impossible for ONE ORGANIZATION to “look after” a complex world with 7 billion+ citizens. Moreover, I believe that the world NEEDS small organizations whose work is more focused on small local communities and countries. While the UN can promote certain ways of living around the world and aid to the needy, these social enterprises are the ones that are making the change on a more micro level. They are more national than global which makes it realistic for the enterprises to focus in on a group of people in order to make the world a better place, one person at a time. It would be completely unrealistic for the UN to take this mission and therefore, it would be impossible for the UN to replace social enterprises.

Bears VS. Bulls – The Optimistic Side of Wall Street (External Blog Response)


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Business Insider, one of the top business blogs around, posted a very controversial blog about analysts on Wall Street being too “bullish” about certain shares so that they can attract their clients to hire them in the future.

The only issue that I had while reading this article was this: There is a clear tradition of investment bankers shifting from the “selling-side” to the “buying-side” over the time period of approximately 3 years. This means that the majority of analysts have the desire to, one day, be in the position of their clients. That is why I do not think having a bullish attitude when affiliating with your clients is a bad thing.

Yes, I understand that sometimes according to this blogger’s “research” the analysts will give inaccurate information, just to make themselves sound more optimistic. Yet, there can be many other reasons as to why someone would be more optimistic or pessimistic about a certain stock. They do the research and then look at it from their perspective. This applies to EVERYTHING! It is impossible to single out a specific reason as to why an analyst is more bullish.

Therefore, I cannot agree with this blogger’s opinion that the analysts that promote certain stocks in order to gain a positive image in their client’s mind is an inadequate deed.

The Dysfunctional Reward System (Blog Response)

My classmate, Jacqueline Yan, wrote a blog about the decreasing rate of customer flow in retail stores as a result of the new online shopping trend. In the post, she mentions the need for a change in retail store’s business model in order to attract customers.

From my perspective, I completely agree with Jacqueline; however, I would like to apply the fresh knowledge we just learned from our COMM 101 class about the dysfunctional reward system for businesses and the unwanted pressure it causes for the company’s management.


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It is interesting to observe that at this time, store management has the pressure to fight the online opponent by being creative AND find methods to be low cost at the same time. I see these two concepts as contradictory because in order to be creative, it is evident that the company will have to increase their costs. Yet, the CFO wouldn’t be too happy if their “innovation” didn’t bare any fruit.

I personally think that setting expectations on stores to increase the customer flow is very unrealistic because it must be a decision that the entire company makes as a whole to add or remove a certain aspect of the retail stores (e.g. live entertainment). I actually would suggest that companies change their perspective and take the pressure of their management in order to gain more success.


Is The IPO Process Fair?


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In one of my previous blogs, I analyzed the IPO of Alibaba, however, I feel that I have gained more knowledge after taking the Comm 101 finance classes and an investment banking workshop through the UBC Finance club and can now look at an IPO from a more “fact” based point-of-view.

Many people have asked me what I think about some issues involving IPOs and the privileges investment banking companies receive.

First of all, it is very interesting to see that influential investment banking companies get the first, and usually greatest, piece of the pie before the IPO is released.

Is this fair?

Well, personally, when I think of capitalistic economies, I DON’T think everything is equal for everyone. Even though it may seem unfair to me right now, I would most definitely be okay with this method if I were to be working for one of these companies.

Second of all, many people think that ALL companies that have the opportunity to invest in an IPO, actually end up investing.

Is this true?

NO! Investment banking involves a great amount of research to look at the advantages and disadvantages of putting money into a company. The only downfall I see from this is that people who want to invest can’t because they are not that influential. Yet, some influential companies have the power to invest, but decide not to.

Overall, no industry is perfect. The more influential you are, the more privileged you are.  It’s the sad truth that applies to IPOs and investment banking companies.

There Can Only Be One.


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Uber has been in Vancouver’s news headlines for quite a while regarding the conflict with the taxi industry. Everyone seems to have a different solution to conquer this issue, but will it be possible to negotiate a win-win situation from this mess?

Lets take a look at how both sides view this issue:

From the perspective of taxi operators, if Uber is successful in Vancouver, then their income will drop significantly. Just in Seattle, taxi drivers lost 60% of their clients, which can foreshadow the future rise of unemployment in Vancouver.

From the perspective of Uber, they are offering a cheaper and more convenient way of transportation. They want customers to receive service on time, while they gain profits.

I, personally, believe that at the end, only one side will stand. The taxi industry and Uber will clash until one or the other backs down and leave the city of Vancouver. From my perspective, I find this new Uber craze very risky because I don’t trust the “background checks” or measures taken by the company to ensure my safety. Since Uber focuses on making profit off private cars, I don’t see why they would be accountable to anything that happens relating to their app. I have traveled to many cities that offered Uber, but my family chose the conventional way of transportation in a foreign city for the sake of protection and security, which taxis provide.

Ultimately, the decision made by the provincial government will change the fate of many Vancouverites. Do you want to see this change?

The Everlasting Struggle Between Money and Integrity [Blog Response]

Review of Asha Kaila’s Blog Post: Tesco Accounting Scandal: Numbers gone wrong

After reading Asha Kaila’s blog post, it exposed me to the link between human behavior and financial accounting. Although many people might think accounting is all about numbers, it is interconnected with different issues, such as marketing.


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For this specific example, Tesco falsely declared 2.5 million pounds more than they actually made in profits. I can confidently state that if Tesco did this intentionally, it is because they hoped that declaring high profits would attract consumers to use their grocery store. To begin with, I completely agree with Asha’s point that Tesco was under immense pressure to steer away from being the underdog. However, my perspective is a twist from what we learned in class 3 about marketing meeting accounting. Tesco is apart of the 4 largest stores in the UK, and in the last couple of years, it has been ranking fourth. Now if they give consumers the illusion that they are making a ton of money, then most consumers will buy more from that store and MOST IMPORTANTLY, buy some of their shares. In a somewhat malicious way, the accountants studied human behavior, through marketing, and had an epiphany that lying would increase their income. Regardless of the fact that this idea was a great method to connect to aspects of business, it was an unethical and wrong move, which led to a national investigation. Good luck Tesco.

Apple’s Haunted Shadow

GT Advanced Technology Inc. has recently filed for bankruptcy after their stocks declined by 90%. This company, based in Arizona, depicts the reality of the stock market and how in a few seconds a company can go from being worth 1.5 Billion to 175 million. It is very evident that GT’s glass sapphire has somewhat caused this enterprise to declare bankruptcy. Why? Let us take a look.


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Many analysts suggest different reasons of why this odd situation occurred. Yet, from my perspective, only one reason seems to have triggered this catastrophe. Apple released a statement declaring that glass sapphire was not used in the new version of the IPhone; simultaneously GT stocks plummeted. Coincidence? I think not.

First of all, I do not believe that there is a big difference between the glass that GT supplies and other glass companies. There have been many “drop tests” to prove that most glasses have the same durability. Next, if you look into how much GT was able to supply; it didn’t seem to be enough to satisfy the amount of glass that Apple required. Yet, it is interesting to see how dropping a resource for only two products can cause such dramatic changes.

Why do you think GT filed for bankruptcy? Is Apple really the only cause?;_ylc=X3oDMTI1NThzcHVzBGtleXcDc2FwcGhpcmUgZ2xhc3MEbWlkA21lZGlhcXVvdGVzc2VhcmNoBHNlYwN1aGIyBHNsawNmaW5hbmNlX3NlYXJjaA–?p=sapphire%20glass&type=2button&fr=uh3_finance_web_gs_ctrl1

Our Citizens Are More Important Than Money

When has it ever been okay to place money over an individual’s rights and dignity? Let me answer that for you: NEVER. Personally, one of the most influential COMM 101 classes so far has been the business ethics class. Yet, what is the point of learning these important things if you are not going to actually apply it to everyday situations. That is why I am taking a stand and saying that the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project is WRONG.


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The Northern Gateway Pipeline is a $6.5 billion project, headed by Enbridge to build a passage from Alberta to the Pacific. On this route, the pipeline is subject to intersect the First Nations’ land, which has caused great controversy. As of right now, everyone involved in this situation are waiting for the Federal Court’s decision.

As a citizen of Canada who respects everyone and their unique rights, I oppose this pipeline. Some reasons include:

  • We need to respect Aboriginal people’s rights
  • This project is anything, but environmentally friendly
  • Respect, trust and dignity of OUR people are MORE IMPORTANT than money

I understand that this project will generate an enormous amount of money for Canada, but for the sake of individuals and their rights. The Canadian Constitution clearly states that Aboriginals have the FULL right to the land that was given to them by previous Government agreements.

I cannot watch my fellow Canadians be harassed and stripped away from their rights and that is why this pipeline project does not appeal to me. 

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Alibaba’s World Debut

Alibaba. The china-based business that recently took Wall Street by storm with its initial public offering. The company, as predicted from the majority of the world, maintained a high share price for the first day of stocks going almost all the way to 100 bucks! The CEO, Jack Ma, who is always exceedingly enthusiastic about his company, as he should be, was very pleased with the outcome so far and could see his company soaring past similar Silicon Valley creations like Amazon and Ebay.


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Now the question is: will Alibaba be able to grow as a global company and establish its place in the world?

From my perspective, and from what I have learned in COMM 101 class, there is a very high probability that Alibaba will succeed in the global markets. This company is a combination of Amazon, Ebay and Paypal yet, still offers something new and unique. Not to forget, that it is targeted towards a broad market and “there are now 302 million online shoppers [just] in China” and it is expected to climb. From an accountants point, Alibaba is very efficient and a low-cost company. They have no inventory and everything they offer is done online. I can see Alibaba gaining a tremendous amount of success around the world because they represent a genuinely helpful “product” and have entered the market with something that no one has every heard of.


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Who Knew?



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Venture Capital, an investment company, has been an old soul when it comes to investing money in health organizations. For decades, they have seen the potential in businesses that work on improving diseases. Whether it is hearing aid or a new drug that prevents heartache, Venture Capital is able to gain profit from these companies. Not only are they making millions of dollars, they can sit back and consider themselves to be “good people”.

Interestingly enough, this company, in the past, has profited mainly from cardiovascular issues or orthopedic issues; however, in 2013 and 2014 the capital is shifting to a different part of the body.

It is speculated that because of the aging population, the money is coming from the eyes and the ears. Ranging from the age of 65-78, the people needing aid for blindness or hearing loss is increasing. Yet, an aging population is not the only factor. It can be suggested that the capital is also shifting because more people are developing bad habits. For instance, now more than ever, people are blasting music into their ears and updating their profile pictures in the dark. Obviously, the damage you cause will eventually creep up on you. Investors are using this information to their advantage so that they can gain capital. An investor, David Douglass, also states that sick people and new innovations are the two things that will never end.

Who knew that disabling parts of one’s body could become profitable to someone else?

