Who Knew?



Photo Courtesy To : http://www.visualphotos.com/image/2×4592947/male_doctor_talking_to_female_patient_in_hospital

Venture Capital, an investment company, has been an old soul when it comes to investing money in health organizations. For decades, they have seen the potential in businesses that work on improving diseases. Whether it is hearing aid or a new drug that prevents heartache, Venture Capital is able to gain profit from these companies. Not only are they making millions of dollars, they can sit back and consider themselves to be “good people”.

Interestingly enough, this company, in the past, has profited mainly from cardiovascular issues or orthopedic issues; however, in 2013 and 2014 the capital is shifting to a different part of the body.

It is speculated that because of the aging population, the money is coming from the eyes and the ears. Ranging from the age of 65-78, the people needing aid for blindness or hearing loss is increasing. Yet, an aging population is not the only factor. It can be suggested that the capital is also shifting because more people are developing bad habits. For instance, now more than ever, people are blasting music into their ears and updating their profile pictures in the dark. Obviously, the damage you cause will eventually creep up on you. Investors are using this information to their advantage so that they can gain capital. An investor, David Douglass, also states that sick people and new innovations are the two things that will never end.

Who knew that disabling parts of one’s body could become profitable to someone else?


Article: http://online.wsj.com/articles/where-in-the-human-body-venture-capital-is-going-1410724817?ru=yahoo?mod=yahoo_itp

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