There Can Only Be One.


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Uber has been in Vancouver’s news headlines for quite a while regarding the conflict with the taxi industry. Everyone seems to have a different solution to conquer this issue, but will it be possible to negotiate a win-win situation from this mess?

Lets take a look at how both sides view this issue:

From the perspective of taxi operators, if Uber is successful in Vancouver, then their income will drop significantly. Just in Seattle, taxi drivers lost 60% of their clients, which can foreshadow the future rise of unemployment in Vancouver.

From the perspective of Uber, they are offering a cheaper and more convenient way of transportation. They want customers to receive service on time, while they gain profits.

I, personally, believe that at the end, only one side will stand. The taxi industry and Uber will clash until one or the other backs down and leave the city of Vancouver. From my perspective, I find this new Uber craze very risky because I don’t trust the “background checks” or measures taken by the company to ensure my safety. Since Uber focuses on making profit off private cars, I don’t see why they would be accountable to anything that happens relating to their app. I have traveled to many cities that offered Uber, but my family chose the conventional way of transportation in a foreign city for the sake of protection and security, which taxis provide.

Ultimately, the decision made by the provincial government will change the fate of many Vancouverites. Do you want to see this change?

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