The Need For Social Enterprise

If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?

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 When I read this statement, my mind quickly raced to all the information I had learnt about the UN in Social Studies 11 and History 12. I thought about all the peace keeping missions the UN promoted and all the interlinking organizations, like WHO, that help the citizens of the world live a happier life.

Yet, I do not believe that if the UN was fully funded there would be no need for any other social enterprise to exist. From my perspective, it is impossible for ONE ORGANIZATION to “look after” a complex world with 7 billion+ citizens. Moreover, I believe that the world NEEDS small organizations whose work is more focused on small local communities and countries. While the UN can promote certain ways of living around the world and aid to the needy, these social enterprises are the ones that are making the change on a more micro level. They are more national than global which makes it realistic for the enterprises to focus in on a group of people in order to make the world a better place, one person at a time. It would be completely unrealistic for the UN to take this mission and therefore, it would be impossible for the UN to replace social enterprises.

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