Lecture 4. Statistics: a review

25 January 2017

Statistics is the “science of conducting studies to collect, organise, summarise, analyse, and draw conclusions from data” (Bluman, 2014). It is a powerful tool used many disciplines to explore and make sense of data. In this lecture Dr. Klinkenberg reviews key statistical concepts to prepare the class for Lab 3: Introduction to geographically weighted regression.

Basic concepts reviewed include: types data ‘NOIR’, population vs. sample, sampling frames, measures of central tendency (eg. mean, median, mode), and measures of dispersion.

Measures of correlation such as Pearson’s R and regression was also discussed.

Bluman, A. (2014). Elementary Statistics: a step-by-step approach with formula card. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Klinkenberg, B. (2017). Statistics: A review. [Lecture notes]. Retrieved from http://ibis.geog.ubc.ca/courses/geob479/notes/Handouts/Lecture04_stats_template.pdf