What About Air Safety?

When it comes to efficiency versus safety, safety is often compromised to satisfy a demand of high efficiency inorder for a company to operate at a faster rate. This is especially applicable in the cases of delivery companies such as FedEx and UPS where speed is such a significant factor in their operations. Without proper rules for these companies to operate on, safety issues occur as the companies push their limits on operating at the highest speed possible in order to gain customer satisfaction. However, accidents are bound to occur when safety issues are overlooked: 50 people killed in a plane accident due to the pilot’s lack of rest as he flew again and again delivering parcels. Governments have to setup protocols for these delivery companies to tame their need for speed and efficiency in their operations, especially when human lives are endangered.


A Mini Mercedes with Big Ambitions

As new car brands emerge into the competitive market of automobile, even leading companies like Mercedes are scratching their heads to come up with new products in a long existing market. Sales for the company has dropped recently, “It’s impossible to tell our customers, employees, and investors that we accept being No. 3,” says Zetsche, the CEO of Mercedes. Along with their confidence, Mercedes came up with a new product that aims to push the company’s sales back to the top of the chart. By focusing on developing it’s B-class series, an improved new model was born in hope to extend the product life cycle of the specific class. As a bottom line, business strategies like this are often used to regain shares and increase sales of a company inorder to keep up with the competitive market.


Wal-Mart China Temporarily Shuts 7 Stores Amid Mislabeling Probe

Every company makes mistakes, but when a multinational corporation such as Walmart gets fined $423,000 for mislabeling its product and selling it for the past 2 years; the image of the company is expected to be significantly affected. I’m not in a position to judge whether the false labeling was an intentional act or not, but what is more interesting is the effort the company is making in order to save its reputation. By shutting down 7 stores temporarily, Walmart aims to “focus on implementing corrective actions”. However, this business decision seems to serves as more of an apologetic display than an actual correction of the business’s operations and ethics.


Iphone4 not selling well in India

As the second most populous country in the world, India should provide great market opportunities to multinational corporations such as Apple Inc. However, recent market research has shown that Apple is having difficulties selling Iphones in India; the latest Apple shipment to India contains less handsets than its shipment to Norway. Further reading proves the major reason behind the phenomena: lack of wifi and 3G networks (which are essential to utilize most functions of the iphone) in India. This is a perfect example of the significance of product placement, where a product simply does not fit into its target market. Even so, Apple doesn’t seem to be willing to make changes in its efforts to sell the iphone in India, minimal advertising is used and nothing is done to the ridiculously high prices due to the lack of distributors. As a “brand-in-waiting”, Apple is waiting for India’s infrastructure to catch up while it continues to invest in the country with minimal costs.

