What is Sony Now?

Sony, founded in 1946 is a world famous leading manufacturer of electronics products, the company has managed to make its way up to the status of a multinational corporate giant in the past decades. While Sony had its glorious days, it has lost its power and popularity that it once had in the recent years. Ever since then, directors of the firm have been trying to push the company back to its former glory by differentiating into different markets such as music and motion pictures. Which is a common method of expansion by venturing into new markets with new products. Although Sony has successfully branched out its product and service range in new markets, the corporation has started to lose its former brand reputation of being the company that makes top notch tech-savvy products. Instead, sony has now become a company that does a lot of things, but lacks recognition to support the backbone of its operations. Was differentiation a bad idea in the first place? Did the firm grow into something too big for itself to handle? Directors of the firm has been trying hard to push their products such as new playstation consoles and motion pictures to reinforce their former image of a company that focuses on electronics products. Their efforts will hopefully be reflected on the company’s image.


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