alison fung

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  • alison fung 8:50 pm on April 3, 2016
    0 votes

    Hey everyone, I agree, can’t believe we’ll be going to Williams Lake so soon! For my group, as I’m sure others, it’s been challenging to work on a project without being at Williams Lake. Our project is on the Williams Lake Community Forest, so having never been there, it’s hard to picture it and the local issues on the grounds. Amy, it’s interesting that you have weekly calls with your community partner, as our group has had around 4 calls with our partner. It’s interesting that we’re in the same class, but we’re having very different experiences since each community partner has very different work for us. I imagine we’re also splitting up the work very differently too. In my group, one person is focusing on the GIS work, for example. I’m excited for the trip to Williams Lake with everyone.

  • alison fung 11:16 pm on March 9, 2016
    0 votes

    Like others, I also found Craig’s presentation on war lawyers very interesting, as it was a job I had never heard of before. Since he was an outsider interviewing others on a topic he was researching but did not have personal experience in the position, it made me think how our class is in a similar situation when we go to Williams Lake. We have been talking to people in the area, researching our topics, but in some ways, it seems like someone there might be better suited to work on some of our issues. However, Craig’s talk also showed me how an “outsider” perspective can be very useful and effective.
    I also took away from the presentation that we should hold interviews where the interviewees feel most comfortable, and to also look at the interviewees as a regular person as well. We also need to make sure we are considering what questions we want to, but realizing what questions we can actually ask. I thought it was interesting how he couldn’t mention his work in Israel when he was in Palestine, as it showed how his positionality comes off to others– how his other research may anger others. It was also an exciting presentation in that there are always new fields we have yet to discover!

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