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Cariboo Mining Association


The Cariboo Mining Association (CMA) is a volunteer run, membership based organization that advocates for placer miners in the Cariboo.  Placer mining operations in BC are relatively small scale mining operations that mine alluvial (stream bed) deposits for minerals, particularly gold. Panning for gold is the smallest scale placer mining, and modern machinery allows for this relatively simple process to be scaled up.  Placer mining in BC has a long history and drove much of the early European settlement in the Cariboo.  The miners are strongly attached to their industry and the way of life that goes along with it – there is a great deal of lore, art and local history revolving around placer mining in BC.  However, placer mining takes place on the traditional territories of First Nations people and has created modern and historical conflict between First Nations people and miners (see Fraser Canyon War as an important example of this conflict).  It should be noted that First Nations miners were active during the gold rush and to this day.  Furthermore, placer mining is subject to environmental laws and regulations and is often in conflict with other land uses. The CMA acts as a liaison between the governmental branches and its members, and has recently opened up new lines of communication with local First Nations groups.  Their goal is to advocate for their member’s interests in the development of new regulations, to train members to comply with new regulations and to ensure the long term economic, social and environmental sustainability of placer mining in the Cariboo.

The CMA is a new partner for the field course and is very excited to work with UBC students to strengthen aspects of its organization to better recruit and serve members.  The president of the association, Rick Wittner, has prepared a summary of the organization’s current priorities.  Please view it here.


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