GTA shoppers are encouraged to buy from local stores during American holidays.

Great Toronto Area residents are being urged to shop at Canadian-owned businesses during American “Black Friday”.

Yellow Pages Group launched an initiative named “Shop the Neighbourhood,” on Monday, asking people lived in Great Toronto Area to buy from local stores between the popular American “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” events held on Nov. 29 and Dec. 1 this year.

Hundreds of stores participated in this event and urged Canadians to but from local, in order to support local community and economy.

This article indicates that increasing number of Canadian businesses are aware of the fact that supporting from their own country is very important. Economic growth also relies heavily from local supports, that being said, the future of many Canadian owned businesses is in our hand.

Nevertheless, it is known by the public that for the same goods, buying in Canada is usually more expensive than that of the US. As a customer who wants to minimize the cost, there is a significant advantage of shopping in the US. It remains a controversial topic whether to support our local businesses or to save money and shop at our neighbour.

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