Thinking on the other side of Obamacare

There has been much disagreement over the topic of Obamacare in recent time, one of the questions under debate is whether it is beneficial to the society by providing everyone a affordable health care or does it actually harm the society by hindering the employment rate?

After reading Nicola’s blog about Obamacare, I had few skeptical remarks about the consequences of implementing the system. While I agree that Obamacare does add more cost to firms, I question will the firms actually be devious enough to actually reduce hours of their employee to make them not eligible for Obamacare? My reason is that such unethical behaviour can negatively affect a firm by losing its reputation and the trust from its employees. Which could result in a huge decrease in the performance of the company.

Also I believe the unemployment caused by Obamacare is temporary, because a business cannot survive without its employees. After Obamacare have became the industry rule, firms will find other solutions to deal with the increase in cost.


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