German for Reading Knowledge


German for Reading Knowledge GERN 304 (former GERM 433) is a guided self-study online German Reading Course for students with no prior German knowledge.

All of the German reading course material is grouped into 20 Exploration modules which are embedded in the interactive UBC Canvas Learning Management Platform including online assessments. No prerequisite, no textbook, NO FORMAL FINAL EXAM! Only a hard copy dictionary is needed. A step-by-step introduction to German reading skills in synchronous online classes is in English. Students are expected to log on as scheduled.

The German reading program can also be taken in combination with GERN 101 (former GERM 100). Students will receive credit for GERN 304 in their faculty although it does not satisfy the language requirement of the Faculty of Arts.
For any questions please contact:

See Course Outline: GERN 304

1 thought on “German for Reading Knowledge

  1. Ayn Cao

    German 304 is the fun class, and it is very different from the learning German language. Language class focus on grammar more than learning the German culture, but 304 class provides a good chance for people to explore diversity categories of Germany such as history, food, geography, architecture, music and scientists. I took German language classes before, but I didn’t have time to explore this country more. From this class, I learned general ideas about Germany through reading short German articles and watching videos. Also, reading short articles enhanced my grammar knowledge that I learned before. Even if you don’t learn German before, don’t worry. Dr. O’Brien is a very nice professor, she will introduce many grammar details for you and lead you doing practices during classes to help you easily understand the structure of sentences. Moreover, after classes there are summaries for each chapter and practical questions. Generally, you don’t need to worry about the language as the hurdle for you to take this class.


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