We will read and discuss a variety of short texts including poems, song texts, radio plays, short stories, magazine articles, short book excerpts.
All texts will be available on our Canvas Course Website.
Unit 1: The Traumas of World War II
Bertolt Brecht, “Deutschland, bleiche Mutter” (poem)
Elisabeth Langgässer, “Jetzt geht die Welt unter” (short story)
Wolfdietrich Schnurre, “Auf der Flucht” (short story)
Wolfgang Borchert, “Die Küchenuhr” (short story)
Sabine Bode, Kriegsspuren (book excerpt)
Christoph Hein, “Der Krüppel” (short story)
Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Die Ehe der Maria Braun (film clip)
Unit 2: The Cold War and the Berlin Wall
Fechter, Peter – Chronik der Mauer (magaizine article)
Reiner Kunze, “Schießbefehl” (short story)
Bernd Jentzsch, “Ein Wiesenstück” (poem)
Walther Petri, “Grenzer” (poem)
Christoph Hein, “Die Vergewaltigung” (short story)
Karat, “Der blaue Planet” (song text)
Unit 3: Environmental Pollution and Nuclear Catastrophe
Der Spiegel, Titelseiten (magazine cover pages)
Gänsehaut, “Karl der Käfer” (song text)
Jörg Zink, “Die letzten sieben Tage der Schöpfung” (poem)
Lothar Streblow, “Der Fisch” (radio play)
Günther Weisenborn, “Ein gleichgültiger Mittwoch” (short story)
Gudrun Pausewang, Die letzten Kinder von Schewenborn (novel excerpt)