Gabriella Generoso

Invitation to Writing Team (Gareth Yuen)

To: Gareth Yuen From: Gabriella Generoso Subject: Invitation to Writing Team Dear Gareth, I have reviewed your application as a potential member for the writing team. I am impressed by your academic background and I am certain that your skill set in this field will provide the excellent technical and professional results that this writing […]

Invitation to Writing Team (Salma Ismail)

To: Salma Ismail From: Gabriella Generoso Subject: ENGL301: Invitation to Writing Team Dear Salma, I have reviewed your application as a potential member for the writing team. I believe your work as a Settlement Counsellor with the South Vancouver Neighbourhood House will provide the hard work, commitment, and excellent results that this writing team demands. […]

Invitation to Writing Team (Re: Junelie Guevarra)

To: Junelie Guevarra From: Gabriella Generoso Subject: Re: ENGL 301: Invitation to Writing Team Hi Junelie, I have received your email and I would like to extend my gratitude in considering me for your writing team. Your leadership in taking the initiative to reach out is a reflection of your outstanding experience as a leader […]

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