Invitation to Writing Team (Salma Ismail)

by ggener

To: Salma Ismail

From: Gabriella Generoso

Subject: ENGL301: Invitation to Writing Team

Dear Salma,

I have reviewed your application as a potential member for the writing team. I believe your work as a Settlement Counsellor with the South Vancouver Neighbourhood House will provide the hard work, commitment, and excellent results that this writing team demands. Additionally, your refined and articulate abilities presented in your application is certainly a reflection of your experience in professional writing. With my unwavering experience in working as both a team member and leader, I believe our skillsets will compliment each other well.

I would like to extend an invitation to you to join my writing team. I have attached my application letter for your reference. Should you have any questions or concerns, kindly contact me at

Encl: 301 Gabriella Application Letter

Kind Regards,
Gabriella Generoso (She/Her)
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science & Law and Society Candidate
University of British Columbia