Invitation to Writing Team (Re: Junelie Guevarra)

by ggener

To: Junelie Guevarra

From: Gabriella Generoso

Subject: Re: ENGL 301: Invitation to Writing Team

Hi Junelie,

I have received your email and I would like to extend my gratitude in considering me for your writing team. Your leadership in taking the initiative to reach out is a reflection of your outstanding experience as a leader as a Learning Club tutor at John Oliver Secondary and a Homework Club Facilitator at the SVNH. Additionally, you certainly possess the strong writing capabilities that this writing team demands, through your unsurpassed work in proofreading scholarship applications, drafting emails, and managing a professional social media account.

As such, I am pleased to confirm my position in your writing team and look forward to working with you further. Should you have any questions or concerns, kindly reach me at

Kind Regards,
Gabriella Generoso (She/Her)
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science & Law and Society Candidate
University of British Columbia