Unit Three Reflection

by ggener

Unit Three was a pivotal point in my learning journey, as it was dedicated to enhancing our business writing skills and mastering the art of formal report writing. Throughout this unit, I devoted myself to conducting thorough research, organizing data, and analyzing information to deliver a polished and insightful draft for the upcoming final report.

Writing the Formal Report Draft

The subject of my report was the voter turnout among first-year students at the University of British Columbia (UBC). To obtain data for the report, I conducted surveys among students at UBC, which was an insightful and enriching experience. During the survey process, I discovered that a significant reason for low voter turnout among this demographic was due to lack of information and time constraints. These concerns motivated the initiative for this report to educate and engage young voters, which will, in turn, create a more inclusive and representative democracy.

Despite the challenges that arose during the drafting process, I was determined to produce a report that was well-structured, concise, and informative. This endeavour helped me to develop my research and analytical skills, and taught me how to organize and synthesize data effectively. Additionally, receiving feedback from my peers during the peer review process was an invaluable part of the journey, as it enabled me to learn from their writing and improve my own skills.

Reviewing a Partner’s Formal Report Draft

To conclude this unit, I assessed my peer’s Formal Report Draft.  Working in partnership with Junelie Guevarra provided me with a valuable opportunity to gain fresh insight into my own work, but through the perspective of a reader, rather than the writer. In reviewing Junelie’s work, I was impressed by the depth and clarity of her research, which was both meaningful and well-structured. The benefits of peer review were readily apparent, as it allowed me to identify some minor mistakes in her writing that I might have otherwise overlooked in my own work. This served as a helpful reminder to be vigilant in avoiding similar errors in my own work. In addition to highlighting areas for improvement in my own writing, Junelie’s work also provided valuable suggestions for enhancing my own Formal Report Draft. Her insights and suggestions were thoughtfully presented and provided me with a fresh perspective on my own work.

Ultimately, Unit Three provided me with an opportunity to refine my writing skills and acquire a deeper understanding of formal report writing. I am thrilled to continue building on these skills in future units and further apply them in my career endeavours.

Encl: Formal Report Draft