From sustainability to success at the Expo Milano 2015

The Expo Milano 2015 Logo

The Expo Milano 2015 has ended yesterday, 31st of October, after 6 months of marvelous exhibitions and innovative events. The very successful exposition’s sparked the interest of 21 million visitors (of which one third international) with its architecturally harmonious and intriguing pavilions, each displaying the culture and products of a different country.

Even though not many might not be familiar with the event, the exposition was a World Expo organized in Milan with the International Expositions Bureau  and focused on one main theme: “Feeding the Planet. Energy for life”. Its aim was to bring awareness to defeat undernutrition and malnutrition through more sustainable political choices and better technology to “balance between the availability and the consumption of resources”[1].

The company in charge of the Exposition itself was a perfect example of sustainability. For instance, separate collection of waste reached up to 70 % of the total, and carbon dioxide emissions were relatively low thanks to the use of ecological technologies, such as on-site electrical cars and efficient construction materials. Moreover, in order to reduce waste and foster a positive social impact, many of the pavilions will have a second life. Monaco’s pavilion, for example, will be dismantled and sent to Burkina Faso to become the Red Cross operating headquarters.

Expo Milan 2015 was a clear example of how sustainability is gradually becoming one of the key aspects of a company’s success. In particular, the choice of the consumer is not limited any more to the value of the service or product provided; it now integrates the firm’s impact on society and the environment.


The Tree of Life and the Italian Pavilion at the Expo Milano 2015



“Six-month Milan Expo Concludes, Attracts over 21 Million Visitors.” Milanozone. Emirates News Agency, 01 Nov. 2015. Web. 01 Nov. 2015.

“Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.” Expo Milano 2015. Bureau International Des Expositions, n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2015. <>.

“Pavillon Monaco.” Pavillon Monaco Expo Milano 2015. Pavillon Monaco Expo Milano 2015, n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2015. <>.

[1] “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.” Expo Milano 2015. Bureau International Des Expositions, n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2015. <>.

“The Expo Milano 2015 Sustainability Report.” Expo Milano 2015. Expo 2015 S.p.A., n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2015. <>.

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