North Korea and human rights: no concrete sanctions for the regime’s violations

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Starting from the 21st of March 2013 the United Nation Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in DPRK has  investigated  the unforgivable violations of the totalitarian regime in the North Korean country.

Thanks to the confessions of the numerous North Koreans refugees, a detailed report  was released at 25th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, the 17th of March 2014. More than 320 testimonies have contributed to make the details more vivid than any expectations. Many of the depositions involve torture, abuse and famine, especially in prison camps, which some aspects resemble the sadly famous concentration camps during the Second World War.

In order to take action against Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship, every country member of the UN Security Council has to give full consent. Unfortunately, China is not giving its support on submitting the human rights charges to the International Court of Justice.

It seems the whole world has fallen into the unethical jaws of indifference and selfishness. Even though many countries shouted “Never Again” after what the Nazi had done during the beginning of the century, it seems hypocrisy has taken over. Especially in front of such clear evidence, it is hard to believe how certain countries, notably China, have decided to refuse to collaborate against such harsh violation of the human rights.

More than one year has passed since the launch of the UN report on the North Korean country. However, no one seems taking action against the regime, nor pressuring the Chinese for consent. Unfortunately, the leading nations might be afraid of a possible collapse of the country, which would bring to many side effects, negatively influencing the neighboring nations.

Millions of people suffering in North Korea are shouting for help. What is the world’s priority: justice or international tranquility?


Park, Madison. “North Korea: ‘We Were Forced to Eat Grass and Soil’ –” CNN. Cable News Network, 17 Feb. 2017. Web. 05 Oct. 2015.

Pearson, Michael. “‘Abundant Evidence’ of Crimes against Humanity in N. Korea, Panel Says –” CNN. Cable News Network, 18 Feb. 2014. Web. 05 Oct. 2015.

“Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.” Report of the Commission of Inquiry on HR in the Democratic People S Republic of Korea. UN, n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

Human Rights Violations in North Korea. N.d. THE DIPLO CABLE. Web. 17 Sept. 2015. <>.


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