RE: iPad To Dominate Tablet Downloads For Next Five Years, Owning 56% In 2017: Analyst

In Natasha Lomas’ article, she predicts that Apple will maintain their dominance in the tablet world until 2017 due to the release of the iPad mini. As well, Lomas estimates that the selling price of apps could fall as low as 8 cents per app, in order to keep the public eye intrigued. And with Windows 8, Blackberry 10, and other operating systems appearing, Apple will need to prepare for sharing their revenue with their competitors.

I think that Apple was always headed for a decline in revenue and attention because their new releases have been far less than spectacular. The iPad mini? iPhone 5? With very minute changes to their old products to create their new and “improved” lines, it’s shocking that RIM, Windows, or Samsung haven’t jumped at the chance to come out with a ground-breaking product.

As for the app price decrease, I’d have to completely agree. Paying one dollar or more for a game/song/tool just feels like far too much money is being given to the designers, given the large amount of people that must download the apps.

All things considered, Apple’s future profitability is going to decrease when they cannot produce another unique product.

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