My Personal Statement

Instructions given by instructor: 
Think about your friends and family and potential employers as your audience for this statement. Submit the statement by putting it on the homepage of the eportfolio you’ve created for this course.
To create your Personal Statement, you may want to consider some or all of the following questions:

  • In what circumstances and under what conditions do you learn best?
  • What did you learn about yourself when working as part of a team in this course?
  • What is one thing that surprised you about GIS/what you learned in this course?
  • What have been the proudest highlights of your learning in Geography 270? What are your main disappointments?
  • If a friend asked you what you learned in Geography 270, what are 2 things you would say?
  • If someone asked you why you were studying Geography, and specifically GIS, what would you say?

Your Personal Statement could be useful to you in professional contexts in the future, such as:

  • As a way to introduce yourself at a networking event (like a GSA networking event, a professional association event you might attend, or at a work gathering for a future job)—this kind of statement can also be called an “Elevator Pitch”
  • As a summary statement at the start of your resume or in a cover letter

As part of an answer to a common interview question: “Tell me about yourself.”

Personal Statement:

Learning how to utilize a program like ArcGIS provides the user with new reaches of freedom in terms of how to study data and learn the most one can from the use of maps. The small achievements one experiences as they undergo trial-and-error with this program are why seeing the final map brings such satisfaction and the ability to represent information in a more visual way is another powerful tool in one’s belt.

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