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Archive for October, 2010

100 Years of Morgan Cars

Monday, October 25th, 2010

Not many people are familiar with Morgan Cars, especially those who are not into the European automotive industry. Morgan Cars is a car manufacturing company that produced hand made cars and is famous for its signature classic cars. The company produced hundred of cars with approximately 163 employees, annually. Comparing the market shares of Morgan […]

P2P The New Blockbuster?

Saturday, October 9th, 2010

A few nights ago I had dinner with my friends in West Broadway, on my way back to the bus stop I saw a Blockbuster store. Coincidently, earlier that day I was discussing about it in class. The business is experiencing a major turnover which is clarified in an article on One major reason […]

A Smart Step by Forever21

Friday, October 8th, 2010

Forever 21, is a shop a popular clothing shop in the realm of young adults. The store sells fashion forward items in very affordable prices. When it first open in Jakarta a few years ago, it became one of the ‘it’ stores in the city. Switching gears to Vancouver, as I am here for almost […]

The Unethical Marketing Approach

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

Who doesn’t know Pepsi and Coca Cola these days? Those are the most popular and the most consumed soft drinks worldwide. There are actually a lot of unethical approaches in the marketing world. A few days ago I saw two of my friends gave a speech about an unethical advertisement that they saw. As you […]

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