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Archive for November, 2010

Entrepreneurial Company: Sugru, Hacking Things Better

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Most of useful inventions came from total accidents or failures (as in the case of 3M post it notes). What amazing about it, is that it always works and mostly successful! Jane accidently invented Sugru, “I was making things with silicone sealants and sawdust, and started using the leftovers around the house,” she says at […]

Mortgage, the Number One Cause of the Global Recession?

Sunday, November 7th, 2010

Last lesson I had Murray Carlson and a special guest of Sauder’s Dean, Dean Dan Muzyka to talk about financial crisis and financial breakdown. One major cause of global financial issues is mortgage or what most of us known as a bank loan purchased to buy homes. I found the topic really interesting and found […]

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