Transportation & Accommodation

Getting to Vancouver

There are many travel options for getting to Vancouver:


In terms of where accommodation, your first decision will be whether you want to stay on UBC’s campus or not. The UBC campus is located in a beautiful setting and there are many amenities (restaurants, drug stores, etc.) and attractions available on campus, but it is situated away from the rest of the city.

If you’d like to stay on campus, we recommend you book on-campus housing here. There are a wide range of budget levels available to you.

If you stay off campus and you’ll be taking the bus in, you’ll likely want to choose a hotel or airbnb option near a bus line that comes up to UBC.

Transportation once you are in Vancouver…

If you are staying off campus, you’ll want to drive or bus to campus. Visit this page to get UBC’s recommendation for how to transit effectively.

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