Link 1 – Erin Duchesne Task 3

LINK 1 – Erin Duchesne Task 3 Voice to Text

I personally connected to Erin Duchesne’s Task 3 Voice to Text Application. I found a lot of similarities in the way we defined mistakes in the voice-to-text application. We both described our text as one big run-on sentence and reflected on the importance of speaking clearly when using voice-to-text applications. Despite the many mistakes that were present in both our written texts, we were pleased with the accuracy of the written text. In addition, I appreciated Erin’s comment about how pausing when speaking doesn’t translate to a period in written text and how unnatural it is to say “period” when speaking orally. 

One difference that stood out to me was the way we chose to write our reflections. Erin made it very clear what question she was responding to by writing out the question and then responding. This made it straightforward for myself to read. When I did my reflection I responded in a way that to some extent, requires the reader to read between the lines. Another difference was Erin’s experience with voice-to-text applications. This was Erin’s first time using a voice-to-text which differs from my own experience. Although we had very different experiences with voice-to-text applications, our experiences with this task were seemingly quite similar.

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