Link 2 – Trista Ding Task 4

LINK 2 – Trista Ding Task 4 Manual Scripts

Trista chose to write a journal reflection for Task 4 and reading Trista’s ideas and the reasoning behind the reflection gave me deja vu. Trista’s ideas were very similar to my own when I did this task, I felt like I was reading my own reflection. Similarly, Trista also chose to write her reflection in pen and mentioned that she would just cross out any mistakes or tear out the page in her journal entries because she views this type of writing as informal. I also found it interesting that Trista’s main difference that she commented on between mechanized and manual forms of writing was efficiency as this was the exact word that I used. Mechanized and manual forms of writing are both regularly used by Trista and I and it depends on the task itself for which form of writing we choose to use. 

One difference that stood out to me was the way we presented our reflections. I chose to write both my journal entry and reflection manually while Trista wrote her journal entry manually but reflection mechanically. Another difference is the way we presented our manual pieces of writing. I chose to individually take pictures of each page of my journal so my classmates could read the entry in comparison to Trista who posted her journal entry in more of a private way where you aren’t able to read the journal entry. 


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