Link 3 – Jade Lee Task 6

LINK 3 – Jade Lee Task 6 Emoji Story

Jade similarly relied on ideas to conduct the emoji plot and found it challenging to come up with an emoji title. I also found it difficult to communicate the plot using emojis and Jade and I used similar strategies to do so. For example, the use of the arrow emojis were helpful in following the plot and only using key symbols to depict the plot allowed for a better understanding and less confusion. I also found that for both of our plots, the reader needed to have been familiar with the movie/tv series first in order to figure out the emoji plot. I was able to figure out the ideas behind Jade’s emojis because I am currently watching this TV series. 

One difference that stood out to me was our selection in the plots we chose to convey. I chose to use the last movie I watched where Jade chose to use a popular TV series that she felt people would know.

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