Category Archives: Linking Assignment

Link 6 – Task 10 Attention Economy Agnes 

Upon reading Agnes’s reflection with Task 10, I couldn’t help but connect to it and think of the difficulties my parents and some of my colleagues would have completing this task. I also heavily connected to Agnes’s discussion piece on older adults being stereotyped as not as tech-savvy as well as being hesitant to input any personal information. With the new digital era, I definitely find myself amazed yet skeptical all at the same time, especially when inputting personal information. In addition, similar to Agnes, I also felt frustrated while completing this task. For myself, it mainly had to do with all of the clicking. The main reason why I felt like I was able to complete the GUI myself was because of my experience with both technology devices and the internet. Furthermore, both of us expressed different experiences with the internet which played a role in our experiences with this task.

Link 5 – Task 8 Golden Record Curation Helen Zhang 

Upon exploring my classmate’s reasonings for their golden record curation of songs, similar to Helen, the criteria for their song choices were both specific and diverse simultaneously. When I curated my list of songs it was solely based off of which songs I liked best and my strategy for choosing was simply by listening to and critiquing each song. I never thought to set a criteria such as including cover songs from different continents or even considering having a balanced selection of instrument and vocal songs. Helen similarly also chose songs that had a joyful and friendly message to it which was naturally the way I curated my list. 

Overall, the differences in the criteria we assigned for curating our song choices resulted in our lists being drastically different. If I calculated correctly there was only one song choice that was found on both of our lists which was the first track, Brandenburg Concerto First Movement. Due to the differences in criteria, this result was no surprise to me, however, I did think there would be at least one or two additional songs that overlapped due to Helen including friendly and joyful sounding songs as part of the criteria. This made me reflect on my own song choices and if I considered the lyrics at all or if I was simply including songs that sounded joyful and friendly when the song choices could have reflected a different lyrical meaning.

Link 3 – Jade Lee Task 6

LINK 3 – Jade Lee Task 6 Emoji Story

Jade similarly relied on ideas to conduct the emoji plot and found it challenging to come up with an emoji title. I also found it difficult to communicate the plot using emojis and Jade and I used similar strategies to do so. For example, the use of the arrow emojis were helpful in following the plot and only using key symbols to depict the plot allowed for a better understanding and less confusion. I also found that for both of our plots, the reader needed to have been familiar with the movie/tv series first in order to figure out the emoji plot. I was able to figure out the ideas behind Jade’s emojis because I am currently watching this TV series. 

One difference that stood out to me was our selection in the plots we chose to convey. I chose to use the last movie I watched where Jade chose to use a popular TV series that she felt people would know.

Link 2 – Trista Ding Task 4

LINK 2 – Trista Ding Task 4 Manual Scripts

Trista chose to write a journal reflection for Task 4 and reading Trista’s ideas and the reasoning behind the reflection gave me deja vu. Trista’s ideas were very similar to my own when I did this task, I felt like I was reading my own reflection. Similarly, Trista also chose to write her reflection in pen and mentioned that she would just cross out any mistakes or tear out the page in her journal entries because she views this type of writing as informal. I also found it interesting that Trista’s main difference that she commented on between mechanized and manual forms of writing was efficiency as this was the exact word that I used. Mechanized and manual forms of writing are both regularly used by Trista and I and it depends on the task itself for which form of writing we choose to use. 

One difference that stood out to me was the way we presented our reflections. I chose to write both my journal entry and reflection manually while Trista wrote her journal entry manually but reflection mechanically. Another difference is the way we presented our manual pieces of writing. I chose to individually take pictures of each page of my journal so my classmates could read the entry in comparison to Trista who posted her journal entry in more of a private way where you aren’t able to read the journal entry. 


Link 1 – Erin Duchesne Task 3

LINK 1 – Erin Duchesne Task 3 Voice to Text

I personally connected to Erin Duchesne’s Task 3 Voice to Text Application. I found a lot of similarities in the way we defined mistakes in the voice-to-text application. We both described our text as one big run-on sentence and reflected on the importance of speaking clearly when using voice-to-text applications. Despite the many mistakes that were present in both our written texts, we were pleased with the accuracy of the written text. In addition, I appreciated Erin’s comment about how pausing when speaking doesn’t translate to a period in written text and how unnatural it is to say “period” when speaking orally. 

One difference that stood out to me was the way we chose to write our reflections. Erin made it very clear what question she was responding to by writing out the question and then responding. This made it straightforward for myself to read. When I did my reflection I responded in a way that to some extent, requires the reader to read between the lines. Another difference was Erin’s experience with voice-to-text applications. This was Erin’s first time using a voice-to-text which differs from my own experience. Although we had very different experiences with voice-to-text applications, our experiences with this task were seemingly quite similar.