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My Graduate Students

Current UBC Supervisees

Chris Meulbroek – PhD student (co-supervised with Jamie Peck)

Research interests: Geopolitical economies of development and development theory

Woo-cheol Kim – PhD student

Research interests: development, industrialization, and urbanization in South Korea

Daniel Pérez Gámez – PhD student (co-supervised with Juanita Sundberg)

Research interests: State theory in geography; indigenous struggles; colonial Mexico

Prashant Rayaprolu – PhD student (co-supervised with Jamie Peck)

Research Interests: Platform economies; development theory

Past UBC Supervisees

Simon Chilvers – PhD student (co-supervised with Trevor Barnes), graduated 2024.

PhD Thesis: “Marxism Declassified: How a Suppressed Version of Marx’s Theory of History Explains Worldly Affairs”

Michael Fabris – PhD student (co-supervised with Sarah Hunt), graduated 2022. Currently Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, UBC:

PhD Thesis: “The Dispossession(s) of Law: Indigenous Peoples, Canada, and Articulated Jurisdictions” (

Natasha Fox – PhD student (co-supervised with Merje Kuus), graduated 2020. Formerly sessional instructor, UBC.

PhD Thesis: “Becoming Experts: Japanese Grassroots NGOs and LGBT Communities in Post-Disaster Tohoku” (

Chris Meulbroek – MA student (co-supervised with Jamie Peck), graduated 2020. Currently PhD student, Geography, UBC.

MA Thesis: “Reframing Reform: Positioning the Chinese Economy in the World Bank” (

Daniel Pérez Gámez – MA student (co-supervised with Trevor Barnes), graduated 2019. Currently PhD student, Geography, UBC.

MA Thesis: “After the Altepetl: Indigenous Struggle and the Colonial Origins of the Modern State in Sixteenth Century Central Mexico” (

Melanie Sommerville – PhD student (co-supervised with Philippe Le Billon), graduated 2019. Currently tenure-track post-doctoral fellow, Norwegian University of Life Sciences:

PhD Thesis: “Agrarian Repair: Agriculture, Race, and Accumulation in Contemporary Canada and South Africa” (

Szu-Yun Hsu – PhD student, graduated 2019. Currently Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, McMaster University:

PhD Thesis: “Populism, Nationalism, and Hegemonic Struggles over Trade and Economic Liberalization in Taiwan” (

Debolina Majumder – MA student (co-supervised with Gerry Pratt), graduated 2017. Currently PhD student, Geography, Cambridge University:

MA Thesis: “Footnotes to a Conflict? Rethinking Questions of Class and the State in Post-Accession Jammu and Kashmir” (

Michael Fabris – MA student (co-supervised with Juanita Sundberg), graduated 2016. Currently PhD student, Geography, UBC.

MA Thesis: “Beyond the New Dawes Act: A Critique of the First Nations Property Ownership Act” (

Bjoern Surborg – PhD student (co-supervised by Elvin Wyly), graduated 2012. Currently Principle Advisor & Cluster Coordinator for Climate Change, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ, Philippines:

PhD Thesis: “Production of the World City: extractive industries in a global urban economy” (

Patrick Oabel – PhD student, graduated 2011. Formerly Instructor, Luther College, University of Regina.

PhD Thesis: “Workers of the mill: local labour market change and restructuring of the sugar industry in Negros Occidental, Philippines, 1946-2008” (

Jia Ye – PhD student, graduated 2011. Currently Associate Professor of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore:

PhD Thesis: “Reproducing Class in the Global Labour Force: The Case of Singapore’s Division of Labour” (

Jamie Doucette – PhD student, graduated 2009. Currently Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Manchester:

PhD Thesis: “The Postdevelopmental State: The Reconfiguration of Political Space and the Politics of Economic Reform in South Korea” (

Bjoern Surborg – MA student, graduated 2006

MA Thesis: “Being well-connected is classy: Internet Geography in Vietnam” (

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