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My Refereed Publications


2018/2019. Drums of War, Drums of Development: the Formation of a Pacific Ruling Class and Industrial Transformation in East and Southeast Asia, 1945-1980 (Leiden and Chicago: Brill Press/Haymarket Books Historical Materialism series).

2010. Bounding the Mekong: the Asian Development, Bank, China, and Thailand (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press).

2004. Thailand at the Margins: Internationalization of the State and the Transformation of Labour (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press).

Journal Articles

2021. “Many Marxisms,” Human Geography. Published on-line 7 October,

2020. (with Eva Hansson and Kevin Hewison). “Legacies of the Cold War in East and Southeast Asia: An Introduction,” Journal of Contemporary Asia 50, 4: 493-510

2020. “Lineages of the Authoritarian State in Thailand: Military Dictatorship, Lazy Capitalism and the Cold War Past as Post-Cold War Prologue,” Journal of Contemporary Asia 50, 4: 571-592.

2018. “Geopolitical Economies of Development and Democratization in East Asia: Themes, Concepts, and Historical Geographies,” Environment and Planning A50, 2: 407-415.

2018. (with Seung-Ook Lee and Joel Wainwright) “Geopolitical Economy and the Production of Territory: The case of US-China geopolitical-economic competition in Asia,” Environment and Planning A50, 2: 416-436.

2018. (with Jinn-yuh Hsu and Dong-Wan Gimm) “A Tale of Two Industrial Zones: A Geopolitical Economy of Differential Development in Ulsan, South Korea, and Kaohsiung, Taiwan,” Environment and Planning A50, 2: 457-473.

2017. (with Young-Jin Choi) “A Geopolitical Economy of Heavy Industrialization and Second Tier City Growth in South Korea: Evidence from the ‘Four Core Plants plan’,” Critical Sociology. Online first 7 April.

2016. “Emerging Asias: Transnational Forces, Developmental States, and ‘Asian Values’,” The Professional Geographer 68, 2 (May): 322-329.

2015. “The Geography of ‘Vietnam’,” Geopolitics 20, 4 (December): 732-735.

2014. (with Young-Jin Choi) “The chaebol and the US military-industrial complex: Cold War geopolitical economy and South Korean industrialization,” Environment and Planning A 46, 5: 1160-1180.

2011. “Critical Geography III: Critical Development Geography,” Progress in Human Geography 35, 5: 705-711.

2011. “The Ge-Political Economy of Global Production Networks,” Geography Compass 5, 4: 154-164.

2011. “Cracking Hegemony in Thailand: Gramsci, Bourdieu and the Dialectics of Rebellion,” Journal of Contemporary Asia 40, 1: 25-46.

2010. “‘The Provinces Elect Governments, Bangkok Overthrows Them’: Urbanity, Class, and Post-Democracy in Thailand,” Urban Studies 47, 6 (May): 1301-1323.

2010. “Critical Geography II: Articulating Race and Radical Politics,” Progress in Human Geography 34, 4: 506-512.

2009. “Critical Geography I: The Question of Internationalism,” Progress in Human Geography 33, 5 (October) 685-692.

2008. (with Bae-Gyoon Park and Young-Jin Choi) “Failed Internationalism and Social Movement Decline: The Cases of South Korea and Thailand,” Critical Asian Studies 40, 3 (September): 339-372.

2007. “Recovering From Crisis: The Case of Thailand’s Spatial Fix,” Economic Geography 83, 4 (October): 349-370.

2006. “Primitive Accumulation, Accumulation by Dispossession, Accumulation by Extra-Economic Means,” Progress in Human Geography 30, 5 (October): 608-625.

2005. “On the Borders of Southeast Asia: Cold War Geography and the Construction of the Other,” Political Geography 24, 7 (September): 784-807.

2005. “The New Imperialism? On Continuity and Change in US Foreign Policy,” Environment and Planning A 37, 9 (September): 1527-1544.

2005. “The ‘War on Terrorism’ Comes to Southeast Asia,” Journal of Contemporary Asia 35, 1 (February): 3-28.

2004. “Transnational Hegemony and US Labor Foreign Policy: Towards a Gramscian International Labor Geography,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 22, 4 (August): 573-593.

2004. “Economic ‘Nationalism’ in a Post-Nationalist Era: The Political Economy of Economic Policy in Post-crisis Thailand,” Critical Asian Studies 36, 1 (March): 37-64.

2003. (with Chris Sneddon) “Chiang Mai and Khon Kaen as Growth Poles: Regional Industrial Development in Thailand and its Implications for Urban Sustainability,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 590, 1 (November): 93-115.

2003. “Rethinking Overdetermination, Structural Power, and Social Change: A Critique of Gibson-Graham, Resnick, and Wolff,” Antipode 35, 4 (September): 678-698.

2003. “Structural Power, Agency, and National Liberation: The Case of East Timor,” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 28, 3 (September): 264-280.

2003. “The Spaces of Economic Crisis: Asia and the Reconfiguration of Neo-Marxist Crisis Theory,” Studies in Comparative International Development 37, 4 (Winter): 31-63.

2002. “From Seattle (and Ubon) to Bangkok: the Scales of Resistance to Corporate Globalization,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 20, 5 (October): 513-533.

2001. “Economic Crisis in Asia: The Case of Thailand,” Economic Geography, 77, 2 (April): 122-147.

2001. (with Pádraig Carmody), “Structural Adjustment in East and Southeast Asia: Lessons from Latin America,” Geoforum 32, 1 (February): 77-90.

1999. “State Power Beyond the ‘Territorial Trap’: The Internationalization of the State,” Political Geography, 18, 6 (August): 669-696.

1997. (with Abdi Samatar), “Development geography and the third-world state,” Progress in Human Geography 21, 2 (June): 164-198.

1992. “Counter-Insurgency, Ecocide, and the Production of Refugees: Warfare as a Tool of Modernization,” Refuge: Canada’s Periodical on Refugees 12, 1 (June).

Book Chapters

2019. “Class, Race, and Uneven Development in Thailand,” in Pavin Chachavalpongpun, ed., The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Thailand (Routledge).

2019. (with Young-Jin Choi) “A Geopolitical Economy of Heavy Industrialization and Second Tier City Growth in South Korea: A Geopolitical Economic Analysis of the ‘Four Core Plants Plan’,” in Jamie Doucette and Bae-Gyoon Park, eds., Developmentalist Cities? Interrogating Urban Developmentalism in East Asia (Leiden: Brill): 17-43.

2018. “War, Violence, Capitalism,” in James Tyner and Fabrizio Ricciardelli, eds., The Idea of Violence (Rome: Kent State University European Studies and Viella Publishers): 83-95.

2018. “Crushing Red Shirts and Restoring Amart Privilege: Relations between Violence and Relational Poverty in Thailand,” in Sarah Elwood and Victoria Lawson, eds., Relational Poverty Politics (Athens: University of Georgia Press): 131-148.

2012.  “Cracking Hegemony,” in Michael Ekers, Gillian Hart, Stefan Kipfer, and Alex Loftus, eds., Gramsci: Space, Nature, Politics (Wiley-Blackwell): 241-257.

2012. “The Global Economy,” in Trevor Barnes, Jamie Peck, and Eric Sheppard, editors, The New Companion to Economic Geography (Wiley-Blackwell): 170-182.

2007. “Neoliberal Primitive Accumulation,” in Nik Heynan, James McCarthy, Scott Prudham, and Paul Robbins, eds., Neoliberal Environments: False Promises and Unnatural Consequences (Routledge): 94-97.

2007. “Locating the Thai State,” in Adam Tickell, Eric Sheppard, Jamie Peck, and Trevor Barnes, eds., Politics and Practice in Economic Geography (Sage): 141-150.

2006. “US Foreign Policy and the War on Terror in South-East Asia,” in Garry Rodan, Kevin Hewison, and Richard Robison, eds., The Political Economy of South-East Asia: Markets, Power, and Contestation, third edition (Melbourne: Oxford University Press): 221-239.

2003. “Interpreting the Economic Crisis in Thailand: Lessons Learned and Lessons Obscured,” Ji Ungpakorn, ed., Radicalising Thailand (Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Institute for Asian Studies and White Lotus): 75-119.

2001. “Women Workers and the Regulation of Health and Safety on the Industrial Periphery: The Case of Northern Thailand,” in Geographies of Women’s Health, Isabel Dyck, Nancy Lewis, and Sarah McLafferty, eds., (New York: Routledge): 61-87.

Commissioned Articles and Entries

2017.  “Exploitation,” entry in the International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, ed., the Association of American Geographers (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons).

2015. “Development Theory, in Geography,” in James D. Wright, ed., International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, revised 2nd edition, vol. 6 (Oxford: Elsevier), pp. 314-319.

2013. “Global Capitalism: A Love Story, an Enigma, a Tragedy,” paper posted at the Relational Poverty Network website, December 1,

2011. “Peter Taylor” and “Immanuel Wallerstein,” entries for Phil Hubbard, Rob Kitchen, and Gill Valentine, eds., Key Contemporary Thinkers on Space and Place, updated edition (London: Sage Publications).

2011. (with Eric Sheppard). “Social Class,” entry for Jon Agnew and David Livingstone, eds., Handbook of Geographical Knowledge (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications).

2011. “Charoen Phokphand (CP) Group,” contribution to “Time’s Arrow and the Burden of the Past: A Primer on the Thai Un-state,” by Craig J. Reynolds and Team, Australian National University, School of Culture, History, and Language.

2009. “Hegemony” and “Peter J. Taylor,” entries for Rob Kitchen and Nigel Thrift, eds., International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Oxford: Elsevier): 80-90, 162-164.

2009. “Accumulation,” “Aid,” “Area Studies,” “Asian miracle/tigers,” “core-periphery model,” “dependency theory,” “International Monetary Fund,” “Neo-liberalism,” and “Structural Adjustment,” entries for Derek Gregory, Ron Johnston, Geraldine Pratt, Michael Watts and Sarah Whatmore, eds., Dictionary of Human Geography, fifth edition (Oxford: Blackwell).

2006. “Civil Society” and “Modernization Theory,” entries for Barney Warf, ed., Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications): 40-42, 308-310.

2004. “Peter Taylor” and “Immanuel Wallerstein,” entries for Phil Hubbard, Rob Kitchen, and Gill Valentine, eds., Key Contemporary Thinkers on Space and Place (London: Sage Publications): 288-293, 317-322.

2001. “Development Theory, in Geography,” in Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, eds., International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (New York: Pergamon Press): volume 6: 3599-3604.

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