Rough start

Today started out with a 30 minute resuscitation. It’s not my favourite way to start the day, but Lesley and I were working so well together and we had good bilateral air entry right from the start with a steady (if a little high) heart rate throughout.

Thank you thank you to all who donated toward resus equipment! It truly saves lives!

After 30 minutes the baby boy started breathing on his own and the Pediatrician assessed him and gave him a dose of antibiotics. He was stable for the time being, but we are going to check in on him over the next few days.

The rest of the day was filled with more births! (Imagine that!) we had a precipitous multip birth (one push and the baby came right out!), a slooooooowwww primigravida birth, another slllloooooooowwww primigravida birth, a speedy speedy multip birth in the admission room and an unexpected breech in the first stage room (Lesley and Beatrice worked wonders with that birth in not so ideal circumstances.)

I am continuing to learn a tonne, and my gratitude grows everyday to these mothers and to my midwife teachers.

Birth is wild. Women are strong. Babies are resilient.

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