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Talk about utilizing social media!  Recently, Microsoft’s Bing ran a campaign on Zynga’s FarmVille facebook game.  If the Facebook user became a fan of Bing’s Facebook page, they received FarmVille cash.

FarmVille has 83 million monthly users and 28 million daily active users.  Only ~%1 participated in the one day event.

The incentive was located on the bottom of one of the FarmVille pages.  Bing’s Facebook page saw a 400,000 fan increase from to 500,000 fans in just one day!

The use of Facebook has shown to be an awesome marketing strategy, especially when the competition is Google.

Not bad Bing… Not bad at all.

Written by golde

October 11th, 2010 at 10:06 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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