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Archive for November, 2010

So Cool!

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So I was browsing some of my classmates blogs, and found this post which I thought was great on Lisas Blog.  I thought that add was extremely cool, and after reading it, agree that translink should start using these ideas as possible revenue generators.  Not only does this provide translink with a revenue generator, translink will also have more money to possible spend on problems that we are all facing today with the massive increase in use of public transit…

Written by golde

November 25th, 2010 at 3:39 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

This man could sell a ketchup popsicle to a lady in white gloves..

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I’m sorry Vince, but you’ve got nothing on Billy Mays.  Mr. As Seen on TV was one of, if not the best, pitchmen of our time.  It all started in1992 when Mays became friends with rival salesman Max Appel, found of Orange Glo International.  Afterwards, Mays was hired to promote their notorious line – OxiClean.  Due to his success as a pitchman, Mays became CEO and Founder of Mays Promotions Inc, where he became the most sought after pitchman.  Throughout his career Mays was seen promoting anything from ESPN online services to Mighty Putty.  I grew up listening to this man screaming and shouting at me to buy whatever he had in his hands for three easy payments of something that ended with 95 cents before shipping and handeling.  Although I did not have the disposable income, or the need to purchase and of his products, I will always remember him and the products he marketed.  Mays marketed just more then the product he was holding.  He was a credible, friendly, successful salesman.  Thank you Billy for making commercials that much more enjoyable.

I was going to post a video of him actually selling something, but I found this extremely entertaining when I was searching online…  But now here his him actually selling his notorious OxiClean.

Written by golde

November 24th, 2010 at 1:22 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Vancouver Still on Top!

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I stumbled on this article a while back and had it tabbed on my browser. I know the article is a little old, however, in a short time many of us will be waiting to see who the economist declares as the most liveable city. In the 2010 Liveability Rankings second to Vancouver sits Vienna, Melbourne, and Toronto.  “The ranking scores each city from 0-100 on 30 factors spread across five areas: stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure. These numbers are then weighted and combined to produce an overall figure.”  This article preceded the 2010 Winter Olympics, and I am extremely curious to see how Vancouver will be ranked post olympics.

This prestigious award along with the “You Gotta Be Here” campaign, further opened the worlds doors and marketed Vancouver to the world.  With all of the positive press leading up to the games, any hiccup was a reporters dream.  Unfortunately, Vancouver faced serious criticism during and after the games.  Also with other recent news – like the resignation of Gordon Campbell – Vancouver and BC’s almost dream like qualities could possibly lose its magic.  Lets see how next years rankings turn out.

Written by golde

November 11th, 2010 at 12:49 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Whopper Virgins

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First of all I totally forgot about this until I saw an old add on TV the other day. Some could call this genius, others could call this a waste of effort.

The first thing that comes to my mind, is what is the point of reaching out to these customers who will never purchase fast food? Why waste your time and effort spreading the love and joy of the American hamburger? Burger King intended to show the current and potential Burger King consumers that when compared to its competitor McDonald’s infamous Big Mac, The Whopper was for the most part preferred.

Many, however, viewed this as racist and exploitative. As one would expect the poor foreigners and underprivileged people preferred The Whopper. Chance or coincidence? Although Burger King includes some instances where the Big Mac was preferred, for the most part, The Whopper was shown as the most preferred burger. If you notice, there are specific locations that prefer the Big Mac more frequently than The Whopper. Could this have something to do with the developed taste of the locals in a specific region. Are people more accustomed to a specific taste that made The Whopper or Big Mac more appealing?

Overall I do not really agree with this ad and think it is not only a waste of effort but racist – chew on that Burger King.

Written by golde

November 3rd, 2010 at 10:40 am

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