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‘As Patent Ends, a Seed’s Use Will Survive’

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SoybeanSeeds-LGAs Patent Ends, a Seed’s Use Will Survive

Currently under the review of the Justice Department for violating antitrust laws, Monsanto has engaged itself in what some call an unethical business practice.  The underlying cause of such controversy — a soybean.  The genetically engineered Roundup Ready seed, whose patent expires in 2014, has resulted in many court cases and accusations attacking Monsanto.  The bacterial gene used in Roundup Ready makes herbicide glyphosate, commonly known as Roundup also sold by Monsanto, ineffective.  Monsanto has been accused of attempting to “remove Roundup Ready from the market prior to the time when competitors will be able to produce a generic product” (As Patent Ends, a Seed’s Use Will Survive).

Recently Monsanto has enginered a new soybean — Roundup Ready 2.  This new soybean has been tailored to place the same bacterial gene as Roundup Ready in a different location in the soybean and take the place of Roundup Ready with the expiration of its patent in the near future.  By doing so Monsanto claims that Roundup Ready 2 will have a higher yield and that over time different demanded traits would be added.

Even with this movement to the Roundup Ready 2 seed there is still much controversy.  Over time Monsanto has done its best to do whatever it can to protect its patent.  An example of this is how Monsanto forces its customers to engage in a contract that demands they must purchase the seed annually and not hold onto previous years seed.  Monsanto has been seen in thousands of instances taking legal action, prosecuting customers who violate this contract.  This further shows Monsanto’s unethical business practices.  If Monsanto was engaging in ethical business and enforcing their social responsibility this seed would have no brand name, no patent, and would just become the universal soybean.   However by forcing contracts, patenting its products, controlling the market and prosecuting their customers Monsanto expresses its lack of social responsibility.

A good business strategy?  Yes, Monsanto has been very successful and very profitable with their Roundup Ready seed.

Ethical? I don’t think so.

Written by golde

January 12th, 2010 at 4:24 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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