S.F. Express Launches One-stop Cold Chain Service in China

As topic shown above, S.F. Express starts developing its one-stop cold chain service in China. This is a local brand in China as a delivery company, which has been developing in a rapid pace since it was founded in 1993. It now has stores covering 9 countries.

Although S.F. Express’s rate is higher than other competitors, they are still known as one of the most popular, reliable and renowned delivery company by the consumers in China. In order to ensure the quality of the product they deliver, such as seafood and medicine, they provide one-stop cold chain service. Under this service, items are being delivered under the circumstances of high technological equipment and high supervision. In contrast, other companies take cost-saving before superior service.

Cold chain is a temperature-controlled supply chain. It is very important to know that an unbroken cold chain is an uninterrupted series of storage and distribution activities, which maintains a given temperature range. As a result, within this business model, high-cost supervision is extremely important to the operation progress, which can not be cut.

In fact, China is a large undeveloped cold chain market, and is with lots of potential consumers and market demand. Viewing this point, we can understand that this is an external opportunity to S.F. Express. Also, they themselves have strong internal strengths, for example, the network infrastructure, strong financial base and operational experience in the field of logistics. Consequentially, all these make S.F. Express’s cold chain service stand out the market, playing a leading role in this profitable industry.


post on Ethics connected to a news from last year


“Social responsibility”sounds equally to”Non-profit”,and profit is what business seeks for,but in my view,no profit(I mean,money)doesn’t mean no returns.Money is kind of tangible returns,by undertaking social responsibility there comes lots of intangible returns,like reputation,which is definitely crucial to business,moreover,in the long term,these intangible assets will gradually be transferred into tangible assets,how can it not be good strategy!In this way,business needs to build itself well-known in a good way by taking social responsibility,also target customers exist in the whole society,plus vast potential customers,that’s what we all know.
The whole society is interdependent,business needs more citizens being interested in it,so it can’t take the social responsibility as none of its business.Social responsibility is abstract,which can be manipulated in various concrete methods,if business can realize it in a beneficial way,it can also fulfill the interest of business(owners or whatsoever stakeholders).
Based on the free-enterprise,private-property society,it is business(businessmen)’s freedom to choose undertake the social responsibility or not.There shouldn’t be any social pressure to be put on business,forcing them to do so.And if they choose to undertake the social responsibility,no matter what the true purpose is,they can’t be blamed practically doing fraud or deception thing,because after all they are doing good deeds to the whole society,sometimes,effect or say consequences are more important.We should see the bright side,the good results.As to the problem that businessmen may not know how to solve the huge social issues related to their business,I think,no any institution can promise 100% know clearly how to solve them,and they are not only the problems should be settled down by business,the whole society should figure it out together,which absolutely includes the business role.

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