Apple Watch: the Disruptor!

Innovation means a new idea, device or process. It is innovation that keeps improving the quality of human life. Within this broad concept, there is another specific term which describes a process by which a product or service takes root initially in simple applications at the bottom of a market. Then, it relentlessly moves up market, eventually displacing established competitors. This isdisruptive innovation, a term   coined by Clayton Christensen.

Naturally, I associate this term with The Apple Watch, which will be released in 2015. I think it as an example of disruptive innovation, and my analysis tells me it has huge market potential. Accordingly, it can be superbly profitable. Why? Here are my reasons:


(Image from )

Firstly, compared to the existing high-end watches, such as Breguet, the price of the iwatch is far cheaper, which is estimated around $ 350. In spite of charging a lower price to their target customers at the bottom of the market, Apple will achieve great profitability by increasing the sales of its product.

Secondly, compared with other smart watches, for instance, Samsung Gear series. The Apple Watch has some competitive advantages. For example, it has “ Digital Touch”, which allows you to send messages to loved ones who also wear Apple Watches. It is not only a function but also a brilliant marketing strategy that can encourage people to buy the iwatches. The strategy is also the same rationale behind the idea of Messages to iphone. In addition, the Apple Watch supports NFC payments providing paying convenience to consumers.All in all, the disruptor is Apple Watch. In constast, the disruptees are traditional watches. Will Apple Watch eventually displace the established competitors? Let’s see!



The Kingdom has no intention to slow down

Linked with Loren Steffy’s blog:

“ Saudi Arabia’s announcement declared that it had no plans to slow production.”

As we know, Saudi Arabia is the largest crude oil producer in the world. It means Saudi Arabia has the power to manipulate, or say, at least influence the world oil price (After all, there are competitors such as other OPEC producers). If Saudi Arabia doesn’t reduce its production, then the supply of oil will not go down. The final result is the present situation where supply exceeds demand won’t be changed, thus, the decrease in the oil price.

“ The Saudis appear willing to allow prices to keep sliding, because they can still gain profits from oil at as little as $30 a barrel, at the same time, to grab a larger share of the global market.”

Thanks to the Saudis’ inherently competitive advantage, specifically, the access to high-grade natural resources and the low cost production structure.


His blogs attracts me because recently the world oil price has been the hot topic, and he explains what he thinks very clearly. Even people like me who barely know any about oil can get his points.





Tim Hortons,Such A Brand! (linked to Erica’s Blog)

Before I came to Canada, I heard about Tim Hortons. Since then,I have been interested in such a brand. I was wondering that what makes it so popular,even more popular than Starbucks. And now I have been here for couple of months, I sort of have some possible answers to my earlier question.

Firstly, people living in Vancouver love coffee!You can tell by finding cafe everywhere, or say, you can buy cafe everywhere.This is consumer segmentations’ life style,which forms a whole convention in this place.As a result, selling this volume of coffee through such large amount of stores is feasible.Only where there is demand,there can be supply.

And then,Tim Hortons spends lots of money on marketing by various ways,to transfer a healthy image to the public. For instance, the true story about the Canadian ice hockey player, Tim Hortons,also the founder, can arouse some supportive emotion in every Canadian,and it often holds some charity activities,also the example mentioned by Erica.
Lastly,the quality of the coffee offered by Tim Hortons is accepted by most portion of people who drink coffee,and its donuts are also delicious,but the price is cheaper than Starbucks.Undeniably, one more important reason,you can find the Tim houtons everywhere,which offers the almost absolute access to their coffee,also means convenience for customers,not only coffee.

In a word, we can conclude that the marketing plays an important role in a brand’s development.Once you get success from it ,the valid period is a long time.

Link to Erica Mayede’s blog:

The Tims Next Door


Relationship between First Nations and Government of Canada

Aboriginal society is an essential external element to the commercial development in Canada. On the one hand, it can promote Canada’s economics prosperously, on the other hand, it can also hold back the pace of its development, what’s worse, it may lead to awful social problems beyond the economic area if something goes wrong in the relationship between two parties, which may even stop the development. As a result, in either way, this issue can’t be ignored, and the government should take it seriously and strategically.

If two sides can eventually agree on a treaty after further talks, it will mean that a vast number of resources can be exploited, such as, land, mining and fossil oil.Those raw materials are the perquisites to the growth of the national economics.What’s more, it will mean short-distance transportation expenses, lower taxes, self-contained convenience and so on(compared with import).In a word, it means lower cost.If we take one step further logically, it can mean higher profits.

But, the government’s responsibility is not only to care about the economics, it should focus on the whole society including Aboriginal society. In this way, the talks between two sides should include the topics like that how to protect the rights of Aboriginal people, how to improve their communities and so on and so forth. Also, only in this way, an agreement can be reached.


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