Relationship between First Nations and Government of Canada

Aboriginal society is an essential external element to the commercial development in Canada. On the one hand, it can promote Canada’s economics prosperously, on the other hand, it can also hold back the pace of its development, what’s worse, it may lead to awful social problems beyond the economic area if something goes wrong in the relationship between two parties, which may even stop the development. As a result, in either way, this issue can’t be ignored, and the government should take it seriously and strategically.

If two sides can eventually agree on a treaty after further talks, it will mean that a vast number of resources can be exploited, such as, land, mining and fossil oil.Those raw materials are the perquisites to the growth of the national economics.What’s more, it will mean short-distance transportation expenses, lower taxes, self-contained convenience and so on(compared with import).In a word, it means lower cost.If we take one step further logically, it can mean higher profits.

But, the government’s responsibility is not only to care about the economics, it should focus on the whole society including Aboriginal society. In this way, the talks between two sides should include the topics like that how to protect the rights of Aboriginal people, how to improve their communities and so on and so forth. Also, only in this way, an agreement can be reached.


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