Tim Hortons,Such A Brand! (linked to Erica’s Blog)

Before I came to Canada, I heard about Tim Hortons. Since then,I have been interested in such a brand. I was wondering that what makes it so popular,even more popular than Starbucks. And now I have been here for couple of months, I sort of have some possible answers to my earlier question.

Firstly, people living in Vancouver love coffee!You can tell by finding cafe everywhere, or say, you can buy cafe everywhere.This is consumer segmentations’ life style,which forms a whole convention in this place.As a result, selling this volume of coffee through such large amount of stores is feasible.Only where there is demand,there can be supply.

And then,Tim Hortons spends lots of money on marketing by various ways,to transfer a healthy image to the public. For instance, the true story about the Canadian ice hockey player, Tim Hortons,also the founder, can arouse some supportive emotion in every Canadian,and it often holds some charity activities,also the example mentioned by Erica.
Lastly,the quality of the coffee offered by Tim Hortons is accepted by most portion of people who drink coffee,and its donuts are also delicious,but the price is cheaper than Starbucks.Undeniably, one more important reason,you can find the Tim houtons everywhere,which offers the almost absolute access to their coffee,also means convenience for customers,not only coffee.

In a word, we can conclude that the marketing plays an important role in a brand’s development.Once you get success from it ,the valid period is a long time.

Link to Erica Mayede’s blog:

The Tims Next Door


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