All about Europe
The wonderful librarians at Intute found two new online documents – both covering the EU.
1) Financial Management in the European Union is a report that was published by the UK House of Commons Public Accounts Committee with the aim of assessing “the financial management and performance of the EU. It covers efficiency, anti-fraud measures in EU accounting and future reforms required.”
Excerpts from the Conclusions and Recommendations:
- “There remains an unacceptably high level of error in some key budget areas and consequently, for the fourteenth successive year, the European Court of Auditors has not provided a positive overall Statement of Assurance on the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions.”
- “In 2005, we highlighted the inherent complexity of some European programmes as a major factor leading to error, but this complexity persists, as do the resultant errors.”
- “Ongoing problems with controls over Cohesion policy expenditure are, in effect, condemning the European Union accounts to qualification for many years to come.”
Yikes! There’s loads more so if you are interested in accountability, public spending, fraud and the EU you know where to go!
2) ESF Demography Report 2008. This is a free report that is published by the European Commission every two years. “The 2008 version reports on the aging society and changing family and households in EU countries….(and focuses on) fertility rates, life expectancy, migration, marriage and composition of households.”