In Obama’s words
The Washington Post has a very useful site up for anyone interested in reading/watching President Obama’s key speeches. It provides a free database of speeches – the transcribed text as well as video clips of the speech being delivered whenever possible. You can search for speeches by keyword, click on an issue-based tag or browse all issues from most recent to oldest. Note, tags are a bit arbitrary – the President’s speech reacting to the attempted terrorist attack on December 25th, 2009 was not tagged under “national security and intelligence;” “homeland security;” or even under “crime and judiciary.” As of today, it’s tagged under “issue: other”?!!! Apart from this anomaly, the speeches are easy to find and read. You can sign up for an RSS feed of President Obama’s speeches, and you can use the Post’s Potus database to “track how Obama is spending his time, what issues are getting the most attention and who is influencing the debate.”