Global Queer Research Group: Sexual Politics in the Era of Transnationalism, Diasporas and Postcoloniality


October 17th, 2012 · No Comments

Fluidity in Queer Identity

As part of Outweek (Feb 4-9), PRIDE UBC, with the support of Critical Studies in Sexualities and The Network: Queer Grad Students, is organizing Queer U, an annual graduate level academic conference on sexualities and genders. The conference centers on bringing the research and work of graduate students and established scholars from across the West Coast of North America and beyond to a broad audience in an attempt to foster understanding and discussion.

This year, Queer U seeks to generate a discussion on the Fluidity of Queer Identity. Who we are and who we will become changes over time – new experiences shaping us as we grow. How people see themselves – their very identity – changes and swerves between defined structures, occasionally pushing the boundaries of everyday understanding. Queer Identity, just one part of many people’s overall identity, is not immune from these fluid movements and, in turn, often helps shape one’s perception of almost anything.

How does one’s Queer Identity shape their view of the world? How does it impact their relationship with their body, their soul or their mind? Their politics? Or how does one’s politics impact their “Queerness”? Is there even such a thing as a Queer Identity and, if it does exist, to what level of influence does it have one one’s life? Queer U 2013 is interested in these questions and more.

This call for papers is open to graduate contributors and established scholars from any department or area of research related to sexualities or genders. Strong Undergraduate submissions are also accepted. All topics are welcome; however Queer U is especially seeking submissions dealing with the following topics.

  •   The (non)existence of Queer Identity and its impact on people
  •   The impact of politics, popular culture and education on Queer Identity or vice versa
  •   Bodies and Queer Identity
  •   International comparisons of identity
  •   Relationships between gender and queerness
  •   Innovative looks into gender or sexuality

    If interested, send in abstract (300 words MAX) to no later than November 20th. The conference is hosted at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

    The Queer U academic panel is open to the general public on Saturday, February 8th and will be immediately followed by a Wine & Cheese reception. 

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