Business Ethics: An Ugly Dilemma for Beauty Companies

Posted by in Comm101 Sec 104

Beauty cosmetics are used by people all over the world. Many people are often interested in new collections and products that are coming out; however, many consumers are unaware of the unethical animal testings being done in creating these final products. 

In China, animal testing continues despite the global controversy and the trend of tightening regulations. China’s beauty market of $32 billion dollars continues to grow and the number of animal testings increase. The government has made it a requirement that certain products must be tested on animals in order to gain approval to be sold in Chinese markets. For example, it is mandatory for companies to test certain products on rabbits by dripping ingredients into their eyes and causes them life threatening consequences. 

These large corporations can look to more ethical alternatives such as the EpiSkin model, which is a model composed of artificial human skin that provides the same results produced by rabbit testings. In addition, other alternatives include using eyes from animals slaughtered for the meat industry instead of harming live rabbits. These alternatives can prevent companies from focusing on an unethical method of testing their products, and they will create a safer image for the company to market and expand their animal testing-free product-line. Therefore, I recommend all make-up consumers to think twice before purchasing products that may have caused animals to be treated inhumanely.