Grace Lee's Blog

B.C. First Nation Chiefs Oppose BC Hydro’s Site C Hydroelectric Megaproject

Posted by in Comm101 Sec 104

It is crucial that companies must take all factors, internal and external, into consideration before proposing a project plan.  First Nation treaties have always been an external factor that companies must pay close attention to. It is important for companies to respect First Nation treaty settlements because violating these terms will not only cause delay in a project’s plan, it will also bring negative attention to the company. B.C. Hydro’s $8-billion dam Site C hydroelectric megaproject has been brought to the attention of the First Nation chiefs, as well as the…read more


Urban Outfitters Need to Rethink its Business Strategies

Posted by in Comm101 Sec 104

*This post is a response to a classmate’s blog: Within a year, Urban Outfitters has managed to put themselves in the spotlight twice by selling clothing that are deemed offensive. In January 2014, the company released a t-shirt that had the word ‘Depression’ written all over it. By glamorizing a mental illness, a message was received by many people that depression ought to be seen in a good light, but it isn’t supposed to be! The t-shirt was initially sold at $59.99 and it was reduced to $9.99 after it…read more


Hong Kong Protests Trigger New Worries for China’s Economy

Posted by in Comm101 Sec 104

The 2014 Hong Kong protests, otherwise known as the Umbrella Revolution, is bound to impact long-term economic and business matters. On September 26th, pro-democracy activists began protesting because their right to civil nomination is being deprived. Not long after, this civil dis-obedience event became global news. Hong Kong’s economy is one that depends much on tourism and retail industries, which makes up approximately 10% of its gross domestic product. Given that Hong Kong’s international financial centre can be easily jeopardized, an economic downturn for China is highly likely. As a result,…read more


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